viernes, 15 de julio de 2016

Idiomatic Future (going to)

Going to future expresses a conclusion regarding the immediate future or an action in the near future that has already been planned or prepared.

Form of going to Future

II am going to speak.I am not going to speak.Am I going to speak?
you / we / theyYou are going to speak.You are not going to speak.Are you going to speak?
he / she / itHe is going to speak.He is not going to speak.Is he going to speak?

Use of going to Future

  • an action in the near future that has already been planned or prepared
    example: I am going to study harder next year.
  • a conclusion regarding the immediate future
    example: The sky is absolutely dark. It is going to rain.

Afirmative way

Subject + am / is + going to + verb + complement


  • I am going to pass this course wiht good marck
  • Mary is going to takee an exam tomorrow
  • John is going to by a new dress
  • They are going to marry this weekend

Negative way

Subject + am not / isn´t / aren´t + going to + verb in infinitive + complement


  • They aren´t going to go with us to the trip
  • Mike isn´t going to participate in the competition
  • You aren´t going o help them as you had said
  • Jane isn´t going to share her toys with her cousins
  • It isn´t going to rain today in the afternoon
  • Mary isn´t going to call you by phone


a.- Are you going to joinnus today?
b.- Yes, i am / No im not

a.- Is john going to play videogames again?
b.-Yes he is / No, hisn´t
a.- What are you going to do tomorrow?
b.- I am going to go to the downtown

a.- Where are you going to study the university?
b.- I am going to study it in mexico city..

This video will give you an explanation about the idiomatic future

To do some exercises click here

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